PLCS Insights: What Would You Say if I Asked You Why?

 Hope Weinberg 

"I encourage you to consider taking a journey of personal purpose and reflection of your own, one that is specific to your role as an educational champion and lead learner and one that is true to who you are and WHY you chose to do this work."

Every year at this time, when the old year turns to the new, I take time to reflect on my professional journey and my purpose. I began this focused self-evaluation ten years ago after reading Simon Sinek’s book, “Start with Why,” wherein Sinek explores how great leaders influence those around them. I recognized that I was so focused on what I was doing and how I was doing it that I never took the time to truly reflect on WHY I was doing ANY of it! If you had asked me my WHY at the start of my career, I can honestly say I am not sure I knew the answer. 

Now, each January, when the calendar turns to a new trip around the sun, I return to the dog-eared pages with sticky notes, highlighter markings, and many handwritten exclamation points and question marks. Ironically far from the clean slate to which we often aspire. No matter how often I engage with the text, Sinek’s message is always fresh with a newness that highlights prior revelation and illuminates what remains to be uncovered. The impact of this endeavor has been immeasurable.

In 2022, when giving my keynote address for the School of Education Dean’s Symposium at Manhattanville College, I invited participants to think about how they are creating or building their teaching legacy every day while continuing to lean into Sinek’s work. I encouraged them to rethink legacy work as something they create every day when they enter their school spaces and not something they only leave behind at the culmination of their career. 

Today, in my new role as Supervisor of Literacy and Learning at SWBOCES’ Center for Professional Learning, I work regularly in a position that I believe to be a manifestation of the many years of deep reflection on my WHY. In this role, I experience a daily recommitment to teaching, leading, and learning together with you, supporting your WHY, and contributing to your LEGACY work as a champion in the field of education. 

So, as we begin this new calendar year, I encourage you to consider taking a journey of personal purpose and reflection of your own. One that is specific to your role as an educational champion and lead learner and one that is true to who you are and WHY you chose to do this work. So, lead learners and legacy makers; I ask you these six critical questions as you start your journey in 2024:

  • What is your WHY? 
  • What is your PURPOSE in your role?
  • What image comes to mind when you think of your WHY? 
  • What about your WHY drives you?
  • How are you putting your WHY into practice every day? 
  • How are you leading your legacy as you start your educational journey in 2024? 

As we welcome and walk into 2024 together, I invite you to stop, reflect, and think about the messy, tattered, worn-out book that refreshes and refines my work every year. You may have your own inspiration, a book or podcast that opens your mind to examine your professional purpose. Perhaps, after reading this blog, you may decide to read Sinek’s book yourself. Challenge yourself to engage in meta work with your WHY, PURPOSE, and LEGACY as you continue to lead learning in your role.  No matter what book or medium drives you to reflection, inspiration, and aspiration, I encourage you to celebrate YOUR identity and who YOU are as you manifest your WHY into the educational world in 2024. 

As Sinek reminds us, “If you don’t know WHY, you can’t truly know how and what.”